sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2022

Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme

 Hi classmates!

Today I have to mention some things that I change to our study programme of chemistry and pharmacy. Most of us are studying that career, and if you are not studying this, our subjects are the same on the first years.

I think on the first year, the subjects are fine, because most of them are helpful to even out our level, since there are people that their secondary school wasn’t complete, so they were behind on the things that we have to know. Nevertheless, I think that, included now, there are too many subjects in each semester.  

On the other hand, I’m disagree on the methods that teachers assess our knowledge, because in my opinion, they just want to we learn all by memorizing thousand of topics, and they are not interest that we understand how things work. 

About faculty facilities, I think there are a few good spaces to study calm and quiet, such as there are some spaces to study in groups. However, I think that the faculty is small for all the students, I mean, the proportion between space and number of student is not the best. Besides, in summer time, the weaather is unpleasant to me, and most of the spaces that have air conditioner, are busy, so I consider that the comfort of some spaces are not good enough.

Other aspect that I consider important, is the practicing of the career. I think it is a problem in most of the career at university, because, we choose some profesion unknnowing what is it like, we only choose because of our preferences in school. So I think that we should have some practicing in the first year at university, so, in this way, we can really decide if it is what we expect or not.

What about you guys?

I read you, bye! 

sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2022

Post 4: A Time Travel to the Future

Hello classmate!

If someone tells me the word “future”, I immediately think when I graduate haha. 

Well, I think that (travel) trip to the future or the past (it’s) is not the best idea, because I prefer living the present, since if you travel to the past and change it, the present wouldn’t be the same, and on the other hand, if you only think in the future, you wouldn’t enjoy life.

 However, if I had to choose, I wouldn’t like to travel to the future, because, the past is already done, and the future makes me to feel anxious, although I try (to don’t think) not to think about it. So, I would travel to the future and know if I managed to graduate from chemistry and pharmacy, if I got my own house, and if I achieved my dream that is travel to around the world. 

To sum up, I would travel ten years to the future, yet I wouldn’t stay there, because (like) as I (say) said, I prefer to live the present, and I think that life (have) has prepare thousands of good things to me. I definitely want to enjoy my youth and my university life. Also, I hope that things get better in my country, I mean, (the) politics things and (the) safety aren’t the best right here. 

Write you soon haha. Bye!

sábado, 22 de octubre de 2022

Post 3: My dream job

 I’m not sure if I have a specific dream job, I only know that I want some job that let me have a good salary, have real free time for me, and have mental health.

I’m studying pharmacy, so I imagine myself creating products for make up, I like that area. I also would like to work with many nice people, I don’t like to be alone, I love to gossip with my friends haha, so I hope I will make a good relationship with my partners. 

About salary, I think most of people would like to be millionaire, and me too haha. I only hope that in my dream job, my salary let me be independent and have a good life, but the most important thing to me is that I would like to travel arround all the world, so I only asi for a salary that let me achieve my dreams.

jueves, 6 de octubre de 2022

Post 2: The Best Concert ever


 Hello classmates, today I want to share with you my best experience about a concert. It was in March of this year and it was Rels B´s concert. He is a Spanish singer, whose genre is Latin trap and reggaeton.

The venue was Movistar Arena, on March 31th, 2022. 

The tickets were sold in February, just when my birthday was coming, so my parents gave me the tickets as a birthday present. 

I discovered him because my best friend showed me his music in 2020. I liked his vibes, his different styles in every song and the stories that he tells. Also, he is so beautiful to me haha.

The concert was incredible, he made me feel very happy that day. I went with my best friend and other friends of hers. 

Also, before he came to Chile, he was in Argentina, and there, the fans revealed the songs that he would play in the concert so when I was here, I knew and I sang all of them. 

The only thing that was negative was that people fainted very often so the concert had to be paused by the singer because he gave them water.

Also, he gave us an incredible show, he sang well and we saw that he enjoyed a lot. Although I wasn’t close to him, I saw his beauty and I was very happy.

sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2022

Post 1: a country i would like to visit

     Hi everyone! Today I want to tell you about my dream place to visit: Switzerland.

I think this country is very interesting to visit, because it has a lot breathtaking views, different among them. In some places you can enjoy the sea, in others you can appreciate the old architecture style of some cities, and the opposite from other places, just like in this image:

Also, I like Switzerland, because it´s off the beaten track, and most of tourist prefer Italy, Spain, France, among others, and I think that my dream place has more interesting and breathtaking views. 
I would like to live there in approximately 10 years time, because it´s quieter and nicer than Santiago, and also, the country is better developed.
If I went to Switzerland tomorrow, I would like backpacking around all the "green" places, learn the culture, the language, and the lifestyle of Swiss. 
If I win the “Kino” tomorrow, I will definitely get away from Chile the following week (or maybe tomorrow haha)

Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme

 Hi classmates! Today I have to mention some things that I change to our study programme of chemistry and pharmacy. Most of us are studying ...