sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2022

Post 1: a country i would like to visit

     Hi everyone! Today I want to tell you about my dream place to visit: Switzerland.

I think this country is very interesting to visit, because it has a lot breathtaking views, different among them. In some places you can enjoy the sea, in others you can appreciate the old architecture style of some cities, and the opposite from other places, just like in this image:

Also, I like Switzerland, because it´s off the beaten track, and most of tourist prefer Italy, Spain, France, among others, and I think that my dream place has more interesting and breathtaking views. 
I would like to live there in approximately 10 years time, because it´s quieter and nicer than Santiago, and also, the country is better developed.
If I went to Switzerland tomorrow, I would like backpacking around all the "green" places, learn the culture, the language, and the lifestyle of Swiss. 
If I win the “Kino” tomorrow, I will definitely get away from Chile the following week (or maybe tomorrow haha)

martes, 20 de septiembre de 2022

Post 1: Introducing myself.

 Hi! My name is Angela Belen Anabalon Rios, I’m 20 years old, and I’m studying chemestry and pharmacy.

About my english, it’s a little difficult  to me. To be more specific, my weaknesses are the pronunciation and the vocabulary, because, i think that I don’t know much wordss to express myself, besides I strive a lot to speak  with someone. 

In the other hand, I think that I’m good to read and understand what i read. Also, I understand when people talk in English, because, I have a friend that lives in USA, and when he and his couple come to Chile, they talk in English and I use this to think about my audition English level, and I consider that it’s good.

Finally, it has been too difficult dealing with the pandemic context, because it’s a little annoying to keep using mask on too many places.

Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme

 Hi classmates! Today I have to mention some things that I change to our study programme of chemistry and pharmacy. Most of us are studying ...