martes, 20 de septiembre de 2022

Post 1: Introducing myself.

 Hi! My name is Angela Belen Anabalon Rios, I’m 20 years old, and I’m studying chemestry and pharmacy.

About my english, it’s a little difficult  to me. To be more specific, my weaknesses are the pronunciation and the vocabulary, because, i think that I don’t know much wordss to express myself, besides I strive a lot to speak  with someone. 

In the other hand, I think that I’m good to read and understand what i read. Also, I understand when people talk in English, because, I have a friend that lives in USA, and when he and his couple come to Chile, they talk in English and I use this to think about my audition English level, and I consider that it’s good.

Finally, it has been too difficult dealing with the pandemic context, because it’s a little annoying to keep using mask on too many places.

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Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme

 Hi classmates! Today I have to mention some things that I change to our study programme of chemistry and pharmacy. Most of us are studying ...